Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday February 20, 2011 More we go!

Jerry headed out at 7am to set up the donuts for Knights of Columbus donut ministry, and I delivered Danny and Molly to 8am mass.  When I stopped at Kroger to grab the FreePress, still wearing my PJ's, I decided "what the heck,I'll get my shopping done" so in I trooped in my blue tweety and sylvester bottoms and hoodie and slippers and got my list done in an empty store...I'm going every Sunday morning! Charlotte and I spent a nice morning together, we played her new Disney Scene it game(thanks cousins!) and tidied her room together. I am really trying to start every day taking a look at the child who is with me..not what she did yesterday or who she was or how she acted, or what might be happening tomorrow, but just this day, and how we can help her, on this day.  A friend called her and she went to see Green Hornet. We invited this girl to come back for lunch and to hang out, but the Mom said "No", she was worried about the storm.  "Storm?" I said, and secretly poo-poohed her, thinking she was a worry wart.  Well, I'll eat my snow hat! We got pounded! It started at about 2pm, shockingly they did not cancel Danny's 4pm game and Jer, good-fan Molly and Danny head off through the snow, and Charlotte and I watch the snow pile up. I have to go out to mass, and Shawne and Alex drop by to keep Charlotte company(another tough afternoon) and I can't believe how hard it iis coming down! After mass there is about 5 inches on the ground,and on the car! I really had trouble getting home, 20 minutes for the 6 minute trip, and my wipers stop working effectively, yikes!
And once again, the dinner plans for Steak and shake have been foiled, but I was ready this time. I had put brats in the crockpot, and the family was chowing down when I finally made it home! It snowed all night, but the kids have off tomorrow so no worries!

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