Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday Mass and Leo's -- Perfect Together!

8am Mass, and great sermon by Father Mark, a private blessing for Charlotte by Father Mark after mass for her birthday, then breakfast at Leo's! Happy Birthday start! We all hit Marshalls together too, an unusual thing and not one I necessarily want to repeat. I like to shop alone or with my girls.  But Molly got dress black slacks and a cute top(wearing them tonight to see Shrek-The Musical at the Wharton Center with her friend Ryan and his folks) which she really needed and we bought some great luggage for our upcoming trips!
Other than that it was a mellow Sunday. The temps were so mild that Danny and Jerry were able to have a catch out on the cul-de-sac! Here comes spring!  After Molly went off, we had spaghetti and meatballs and bread sticks from Gus's. Charlotte enjoyed it. I'm not sure what will happen tomorrow but I don't think it'll be good...

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