Friday, February 18, 2011

Liam Neeson is Awesome!

Just got back from seeing the new Liam Neeson movie, Unknown. It is great! Lots of action, car chases and fights, and the story is very intriguing. Shawne and I feel quite cool about seeing it on opening night. The kids watched Planet 51 and Jerry worked out.
I had a busy day at work, since Brighton schools were off, lots of older kids at my story time, and loads of patrons all day. I didn't get a whole lot done..oh well!  We are getting lots of positive feedback on the commercial. My friend Sarah posted it, unfortunately calling the account hincka6, so it looks like I posted it, which I was trying to avoid. Again, oh well!
Danny went to a pals house, and played all day with 3 friends. Charlotte helped me out at MGC, then stayed on to go to teen movie in the afternoon. Only 6 kids showed up, so Charlotte got lots of pizza! Life is good!

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