Monday, February 28, 2011

and the oscar goes to...ME! Sunday 2/27/11

My party was quite fun. Food was brushetta with sun-dried tomato topping, vegetable spring rolls, southwestern corn-chowder and a big salad.  And Red velvet cupcakes..for the red carpet..get it?? Roseanne, Shawne and Alex, and the girls and I were the guests. We enjoyed watching the E! coverage of the red carpet arrivals, we all liked Natalie Portman's dress and agreed that Jennifer Hudson was stunning! We thought Anne Hathaway was darling but that James guy, I don't see it. Not that cute, certainly no personality..I named him "Keanu Reeves jr."!  All in all the show was fine, my favourite part was Kirk Douglas, I loved how there was an older person showcased, one who had had a stroke, he was able to show that he still has a sense of humor and great comic timing. This is a problem for the elderly and disabled, people think they are not human anymore and are more likely to ignore them. Show the world!
The rest of Sunday proceeded as planned, from 8am mass to work. Kids arrived home mid-afternoon.IMG00061-20110227-2002.jpgCharlotte,Alex Me, Shawne and Molly in our movie star glasses, the little party favour I gave my guests.

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