Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hincka's 0-3 on the court today

Tough day on the roundball courts for the kids. Danny's team still searching for that illusive first win, but they hustled!  Molly and Charlotte did the pop-shot, and they both hit it! They were really psyched!  The boys headed up to Posen, and the girls and I went to Kroger, dropped off groceries at the house, changed, and headed to the high school to meet the team at 11:45. Off we go, with Kelly and Marylou in the van with us, and Mindy,Sam and Bill in the other car.  The tourney is a big one, and we arrive in time to watch a few of the other Area 27 teams play.  The Pink Panthers lost both their games, defense was a real problem.  Charlotte and Molly both hustled their heads off, Charlotte got a couple of points, Molly almost did.  We were leaving at about 4:30pm, opened the gym doors to go outside, and there was 4 inches of snow on the ground. Blizzard like conditions, wind and blowing snow, and no plows to be seen. It was a white knuckle 25mph drive all the way back to Brighton and took more than an hour. We arrived home cold, tired and starving! Turned up the heat and started the coffee(of course) and warmed up the leftovers.  Charlotte and I chilled to some I Love Lucy and guess what Molly did? That's right, she went downstairs and watched sports! Well, she's happy!

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