Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friday 3/4/11 Craziness!

Started out fine, up at 6:15, coffee going, Charlotte up, grumpy, Jer offers to drop her at school, so far, so good.....While he is dropping her the phone rings, St. Pats call-out announcing the "never happens in MI 2 hour delay " due to icing. OK, why now, when all the highschool kids are on there way?  OK! so back comes Charlotte and Jer, then he heads off to Novi for meetings. I need to be at work at 9am, so I drop Charlotte off at 8:55am and take Danny with me to work. Molly stays home and I set the timer so she will know when to go outside to get her bus. So far, do-able. Danny has a blast setting up my storytime room with me, and passing out tickets for the program. I have begged a co-worker to drive him across the street at 10:50, because I am smack in the middle of my storytime at that time. I promise her a cappuccino on me! Call Molly at 9:45 and she is on her way outside. OK, now we're all set.  Danny assists with the first bit of the program, doing the bubbles, dancing with me, awesome! and I send him on his way, he is so flexible.  Storytime is great, 65 people in spite of the weather, but a bit chaotic, all kinds of kids on time delay with their toddler siblings, coming and going. So I'm cleaning up at 12:15 and my phone is the house number?? and when I pick it up, it's Molly, crying hysterically. She says "my bus never came", and I say "have you been outside all this time!" Oh my gosh, the poor thing, with no sense of time, has stood out in the wind and then rain, for 2 1/2 hours!  It turns out that after calling the delay, Howell, where her school is, called a day off. Fine, how are people supposed to know?   Molly was so upset, and so was I, I whipped off an email to the superintendent and her teacher, hoping to get some answers. One good thing, our old neighbor and friend Ann and her daughter Lila had come to storytime and were still in the library. I asked if she could go pick up Mol and take her home to play with Lila and have lunch.  Thank Goodness, because it popped Molly right out of hysteria and into fun.  Then took lunch at 3:30 to go pick up Danny at school..this job thing isn't working all that great!
We did all go to see Howell High Schools production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast to celebrate Molly's birthday. It was really great, Cogsworth and Lumiere had great chemistry, and Belle could really sing.  Danny bought Molly a light up rose and she was thrilled with it!
So all's well that ends well!

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