Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring starts tommorrow,so the cleaning started today!

My day started with cookie baking at 7am.! I wanted to send a batch down to the Deavers house with the girls, and boy did it smell good in the kitchen. Jerry and the girls headed off around 9:30, drove 3/4ths down and went to Steak and Shake for lunch. They met Michael and they headed right out, they were going to an event at their church tonight.
I got busy on cleaning, the kind nobody notices but me(but don't worry, I tell everyone and ask them to compliment me!) I did moldings, floor and ceiling, all kinds of door frames,etc. floors, mantels,fireplace screen, and on and on... GO ME!  More to do, but a good start, one day early!
Place looks great, I got a new lighter coloured rug for the family room and rearranged the furniture to a new spring type feel. HGTV got nothin on me!
Did tune in tonight  to see if I had won the dream home in Stowe, Vermont. sadly, I did not, so no free vacations kids!

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