Sunday, March 27, 2011

Saturday 3/26/11

Poor Charlotte! I dropped her off at the BCPA at 7:50am and picked her up at 10:15pm! Can you believe it? A 14 hour rehersal, this play is going to be fabulous!  Danny went down at 6pm to watch for a bit, he said it was looking great. Danny actually got to sleep in, and didn't show himself til about 10:20 when I had started frying peppers and onions to put in the crockpot for the corn chowder I was making. I smelled him out!  We finished Twenty and Ten, the great book we were reading about some French kids at a school who hide some Jewish kids in a cave to keep them from the Nazi's. I loved this book when I was his age, and he really liked it too. One of my greatest pleasures is sharing books with him.  He went to lacrosse practice, layered up against the 30 degree temp, and had a great time. Then we stopped at Target for a slushy and a camera for Molly. Disposables now cost $10.00 and a digital cost $19 on clearance. So we'll see how she does with it! Hopefully some pics will go here soon! Jerry and Molly ran in about 6pm, scarfed down some chowder, changed and headed for the airport for their 8pm meeting at the Westin  airport hotel. Then they hit the "dream beds" and got up at 4:15am! After photos and hugs Molly and the group(4 others, 2 coaches,2 athletes plus Mol)headed off on the shuttle. oops, this is really a Sunday post!!!

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