Sunday, March 27, 2011

Friday 3/25/11 Mother Goose on the Road!

Today the library does an in service at Totspot, the local preschool. We are part of a day that will yield the teachers and staff 6 continuing education credits. We have spent alot of time this week getting ready, and it is a bit anti-climactic. There was alot of hauling of materials, and the people seemed to enjoy what we had to say, but for the amount of time spent? not worth it. But I am only a peon, and just do what I am told! I ended up with only 4 people in my group, the toddler staff, who all sat down in a row, behind a table, as far away from me as they could get! Trying to get them up and dancing to songs was weird and awkward. The preschool group had about 20 people, who all hopped up and joined in(as I observed when my little group and I went back to join the big group at the end). I think it feels less strange when there are more adults. Well hopefully I inspired them, or at least told them where to get free music!!  Noticed that Carla has me scheduled for next Friday, and that is when spring break starts. I am sure she will NOT be happy when I tell her I can't work.  I got home around 12:30 and set to work on Molly's suitcase for San Diego (now that she is off at the bball tourney), picked up Danny and Brianna at school at 1:45 for their rehearsal, went home and finished up, scrubbed the living snot out of the girls shower, talked to Mom, then went back to pick up the kids. I spontaneously decided that Costco for a pizza ready in 10minutes was the answer to my hungry kids, and so it was. Also ran into the costume mom for the play and got my marching orders on that.  Jerry and Molly called to report a heartbreaking loss by 3 points for the Pink Panthers, so now they wait til 2pm tomorrow to play again.

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