Monday, March 28, 2011

I did it!

Getting ready to start

Now don't move or pass out!

Bagzye and I, he was so nice and friendly!

and that's all there was to it! not painful at all!

Well, almost 6 months into my 49th year, I went for it and got my first tattoo! I had been planning this for a year or so, and just decided that this was the week. I stopped in at American Graffiti Tattoo in Brighton and the guy was such ad, jerk. He looked at me like I had wandered into the wrong place. "What, you don't get many old Mom's in little sweaters popping in for tattoos on a Monday?"  Anyway, he was a pompous,unfriendly jerk, and I said "uh, Thanks" and left. So then I went to Sally's to buy ByeByeBirdie costume pieces, and when I finished, my heart was still pulling me to the tattoo. So I googled parlours in the area and found one just up the road, Eternal Tattoos.  From the moment I walked in I felt great! The gal was super nice, and said usually walk ins don't work, but they had a cancellation, so I was in luck. uh-huh... The artist was 48, married to a gal who will be 50 in sept, uh-huh..., He was very friendly and informative, and made me feel right at home. It just didn't hurt at all, and I wasn't anxious at all. It was exhilarating. Within an hour I was on my way to Meijer to pick up a tube of aquaphor! I am feeling great! So excited and proud of myself! YAY Me!
The rest of the day was a bunch of driving and shuffling, and cleaning and shopping. My other YAY! was SO swimming started tonight. It was great to see Coach Kathy and the team, only bad thing is the time,, so home at 9:30, but I love to coach these guys, so I'll deal.

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