Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Terrific Tuesday Again!?!

When you start to type a title, it brings up your history and  my lack of creativity is sadly apparent as Terrific Tuesday popped right up-gotta work on my blog titles!
Things that were terrific today...
  1. On time dropping off Danny
  2. Buying Leah a chocolate donut at Dunkin Donuts and having a coffee with Shawne before work
  3. Watching Roseanne bust a move in Read To The Beat, shake it sister!
  4. Sunshine all day
  5. Danny's costume for the play-he is so cute!
  6. hummus
  7. phone call with Rhonda, we laughed!!!!
  8. Jack coming over to jump on the trampoline with Danny-hopefully the first of many days!
  9. great pictures of Molly at Training Camp, smiling in every picture! Share the joy My Girl!

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