Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuesday 3/15/11 The caddy is out of hibernation!

Never mind the Robin red-breast as a sign of spring, how about the red caddy?!  Jer put it back on the insurance and I took out for a spin, love how that car drives! I miss you Dad.
Charlotte worked today at her lunch room job, and she is really getting excited about her trip tomorrow. Jerry is so great, he is making such a fuss over her, and making this a special trip and time. I bought a bunch of treats at Meijer and stashed them in Charlotte's suitcase, I hope she'll be excited!
Jerry and I hang out and stay up too late, he is watching Detroit 187, and I am going through the 50 guessing slips to see who came closet to the 1924 mini marshmallows..some fun,  eh?!

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