Wednesday, March 9, 2011

made it over the "hump"!

oh my, another crazy Wednesday! I went to 8:30 mass and picked up my ashes and holy Eucharist and headed to Ashley court, got there around 10am. I did my 2 services and distributed ashes to several rooms as well. what a joy to spend time there. Shot back to church to return extra Eucharist and my ashes, then to Kroger for Mrs. Bic's fixins! It's not Ash Wednesday without Mrs. Bics! Home for coffee and cereal and cooking, got the macaroni prepared and in the oven, salads made and packed up, then over to Danny's school library for volunteer time there. Jerry dropped off the Arbors meal for me, and I went to the library to try to adjust my schedule for tomorrow. Success! Switched with Sherry so I will work day not night, perfect since Jer will be away. Then over to pick up Danny, home to prepare Molly for our interview, and get Danny dinner and ready for lacrosse. Charlotte and Jer off to the 5pm ashes service, Molly and I on a conference call for an hour, Jer drops Charlotte and grabs Danny and takes him to practice. I feed Charlotte and Molly then take Molly to 7pm mass, stop by Meijer to pick up items for the book fair guessing jars I need to put together tonight, stop at work again to pick up a donation from the library to the school auction, over to school to pick up Danny from practice, then home about 8:20, tuck in Charlotte, get Danny in the shower, and get ready to collapse...Wait, work on the guessing jars, right in blog, drink some coffee, then collapse..finally!
one highlight was talking to Susan for a bit while home cooking, though I found out she is way ahead of me on soda bread, having opened the east coast factory early, so now I feel guilty about that! I better get baking!

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