Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sunday 3/13/11 Tradition!!!

What a treat! We met the Wisbiski's down at Milan High school for a performance of Fiddler on the Roof. Sam Stokes was Yenta, a big part for a freshman, and she totally stole the show! She whined and kibitzed her way around the stage in her black dress and babushka, it was hilarious! The whole show was great and Theresa had saved great seats for us.
We zipped home for dinner, and then went over to church for the start of our parish mission. It was an awesome night! The theme was Building Strong Families in Shaky Times, certainly a topic worth giving thought and prayer to.  We all began in church together, then the kids went off with Father Joe, and we stayed put and heard a talk from Father Larry, who is hilarious! Being able to laugh while hearing some tough truths is very helpful. Take-away..continue to pray together as a family, and look to "christian socialize" the kids.  Call for more info!

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