Sunday, March 27, 2011

Here we are and there she goes!

Wow, off went Molly to San Diego! How strange is that? I know that is what we want, and I am not worried at all(that's Susan's job!) but it is strange to think of the new people she'll meet that we won't know, and all the experiences she'll have.  Well good for you my darling girl, knock 'em off their feet out there! The rest of the fam had omelette's Jerry cooked when he got home from the hotel, he worked out before he checked out in the gorgeous gym, and then he took a well deserved nap.  We went to 11:30 mass, with Father Mark and Deacon MacDonald. The homily compared how when Annie Sullivan was finally able to break through to Helen Keller about what water meant, what a life changing revelation it was. And that same revelation is possible for us when we understand that GOD gave us JESUS and the living water so we will never be thirsty. Awesome!
Worked at the library til 5pm, Jer and the kids worked out, then took a road trip to that Lucky Strikes arcade they like to go to. Supposed to come home at 6:30 but Jer called to say all the restaurants were cooking steaks when they left the arcade and the smell was too much for them, they had to stop to eat! Hilarious! Message from Molly saying she arrived safely. She sounded very happy!
 So peace for me, and blogging time on the sun porch, watching the birds swoop in and out to the feeders, and banging occasionally on the window to keep the squirrels away. Life is good.

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