Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Book Club and green carnations!

what a whirlwind! From 6am til midnight i was on the go. Driving hither and yon, tracking down 14 green carnations for the Teacher Appreciation lunch, food shopping, costco for Molly's princess cake, with plates,cups,forks napkins and milk and drove the whole thing out to molly's school in Howell. then hurry back to Brighton to pick up Charlotte and drop her at St. Pats for work. then home to put groceries away and eat,then back to get charlotte, then cook dinner, make up questions for book club, clean the bathroom,get Danny from school, pick up charlotte from play practice, feed kids, send the girls and Jer off to the track to work on baton passing with PJ, then greet my book club. Whew! Tonight's book, Passing By Samaria, had been my choice and it was well received. Cindy brought cheesecake, and we chatted til about 9pm. Time to watch a little tube, fold laundry,clean kitchen,start dishwasher and plan for tomorrow. TIRED!

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