Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day! Erin Go Bragh!

Dressed in green and toting Irish Soda Bread we all head out into the to school, where Danny will have a talent show to watch all day, and me to the book fair, i hour in am, 2 hours at lunch time and 2 1/2 hours after school!  I also got to read a story, Leprechauns Don't Lie, to Mrs. Fagerlands second grade class. She introduced me like this,  "kids, most people are readers, but this lady is a story teller"  Wow, this made me feel spectacular! I will go back next week with another book.
Florida runs on Dunkin!

Charlotte's dinner!
The report from Florida continues to be great, from beach,to mini-golf,to Italian dinners, Charlotte and Jerry are having a ball!

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