Thursday, March 10, 2011

a Park Avenue Apt. that needs TLC?! I could handle that!

Ah, Selling New York, this is like a bowl of ice cream for me(which I gave up for lent 3 years ago and never went back to!) bu without the calories! I would have no problem living in any of them, but my first choice was the one with views of the Empire State building from the bedrooms! My dream!
I worked all day today, and it was a good one. I got alot of positive time with projects, from summer reading to an inservice I'll be a part of a Totspot, the kids old pre-school.
Danny ended up coming over to the library after school and we worked until 5pm. Shot home to get some dinner into the kids(hooray for meat filled leftovers for in between ash wed and Friday!) Then they headed off to basketball practice and Danny and I played some Wii. I never play this with him, but we had fun. I did water skiing and beach volleyball. We are working on not getting upset when things don't go our way, and with those pesky video games we had a chance to practice.

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