Thursday, January 20, 2011

wednesday 1/19/11 Ashley Court Joy!

This morning I couldn't remember if it was my week at AC, so I went to Church, prayed, got the Holy Eucharist and headed over. When I arrived I found out it was Maryjo's week, but when I called her she said she was feeling dizzy and thinking about calling to say she couldn't GOD is good. I was there for a reason, that's for sure.  Many of the folks are sick, they had signs on the front doors of the buildings saying "Enter at your own Risk" oh my! But the service was good, and we talked over John the Baptist, and how he waited  for so long for Jesus to come and begin his ministry, and then he was only around for a few years. But he didn't question GOD, just kept his vigil. Hmm Kerry, a lesson here for you?!
I also had my library duty, school pick-up x2, meeting with Danny's math teacher, bball practice and parent/student play meeting! Allrighty!
Jer came home in front of a storm that was getting ready to hit Columbus, and was home to tuck people in, which was great.
The play is a well=oiled machine,and it should be interesting to be involved. I'll keep you posted!

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