Monday, January 10, 2011

thursday 1/6/11 The response!

Well Jerry and I had trouble focusing today...the emails and calls came pouring in about Molly's commercial, everyone was so happy and excited for her. Jerry's brother John's wife Dina saw it while watching the awards show, as did Jamie's ex-wife LeeAnne, a gal from the library, and a couple of folks from school.  It is pretty cool to have people talking about ti after keeping quiet for so long. I really can't believe that Molly kept it a secret, I'll never forget when she and Jake and I brought the surprise bicycle home for Jerry's birthday and Molly went into the house and said "I can't tell you about the bike Dad"!  Jake was so mad at her!
Jerry and the kids went to SO basketball and they got lots of acclaim there as well.  Molly is being called a movie star by her peeps! Cute!

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