Friday, January 28, 2011

Saturday 1/22 On The Road

GOD is with me, because you know how bad the weather could be in January. Well it is perfect the whole way, no ice,snow rain or traffic! I left at 5ish am and get to the hospital about 5:15pm. Susan had arrived about 15 minutes before me, due to all kinds of kid obligations.  We stormed Mom's room, ironically with the same items, cards from the kids, and a book for her to read! Do we know Mom and are we sisters?!!
Mom looks awful! Her face is so swollen, she is getting blood transfusions and IV, and is sore and stiff. But alive!
When we get to the house later and see the scene in the garage, we can't believe she survived. It looks like the set of NCIS, Blood in large quantities, tipped over things, a crime scene.  From what we can tell, while taking out her garbage at around 8pm., she fell left off her step, got trapped between and under her car, the golf bag and metal carrying cart fell on top of her, slicing her head open, and there she was. The light in the garage was off, and it was about 20 degrees out. She lay on the cement floor for hours, and tryed to figure out which way the door was, as she got colder and lost more blood. She doesn't know if she passed out or not but she certainly was in shock. She said she thought she was going to die, but didn't want us kids to be "embarrassed" that they found her frozen in the garage. Oh my. We told her we wouldn't be embarrassed, but if that's what got her out, then great! She finally found the door and crawled into the house at 2am, and pulled the blanket off the bed in the guest room and lay on the floor for an hour while she gathered her strength. Then she crawled into her room and into her bed. When asked why she didn't call 911 at that point she said she was just so cold she couldn't think.
In the morning she realized she needed to go to the hospital, but still did things like start a load of was with her bloody clothes, call the neighbors to tell them not to worry when the ambulance arrived, it was no big deal, and leave a breezy "nothing to worry about" message on Susan's home phone. No call to anyone's cells, COME ON MOM! Really?
But we decided that yelling at her would be counter productive....We are happy and incredulous that she is alive, What A Strong Woman!

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