Monday, January 10, 2011

Saturday 1/8/11 Movie Night

Tonight is the big night! We have Stewarts Arbors and Wisbiski's coming over tonight for a pizza party and viewing.  We are pretty jazzed.  Danny and I head out to Howell to visit the mobile Library of Congress exhibit.  There is alot to see and we spend a couple of hours learning that the LOC has the first Bible to be printed with moveable printing blocks, the first map on which America appeared, some of Edison's first moving pictures, as well as art, entertainment, books, music, etc. WOW!  We grab our sleds and head to Maltby for an hour of fun with some of the Fairway Trails gang, then home. Danny's best bud Ryan comes over and they hike, play outside and in, go to church and then play and hang out til the rest of the company arrives. The wine and pizza flow and the kids play apples to apples, and then suddenly its time for the movie. It was actually a great show, and the commercials by Wal-mart, with their trivia games and family focus, keep us entertained. At 9:20pm the spot comes on, and the sixty second one is so great! Everyone likes it, and that makes me feel great. As soon as the spot is over the phone starts ringing..Davanzo's, Cooneys, Meg, Hank, they all love it!  SWEET!

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