Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tuesday January 11 BINGO!

Oh man, I need to liven up my Tuesdays, cause everyone is already bored with my tales of driving all around town all day long. Boring to me, boring to you!,  My friend Kim's daughter Katie and I did go over to Ashley Court and help out with the Tuesday BINGO game, super FUN! The snow has begun,but it's going to end by midnight, so no chance for a snow day.  I checked in with the book club gals and we decided to postpone book club til next week.  Jerry took the kids to the girls bball game at the highschool and then dropped Mol off at Chorale. So suddenly I'm quietly sitting in front of the fire with a bowl of soup as the snow falls.  Peaceful!   And to top it all off my 2 shows are on and they are new! Man, the Good Wife keeps getting better and better.

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