Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Watching the Rose Parade

Jack,Danny and Scott  jumping in the new year!

Well our snow is gone as we wake up to 2011, and we end up with temps in the 50's!  January 1 in Michigan and Danny and pals are on the trampoline!  Wow!  The big take down of decorations takes me most of the day, and it is kinda sad to see it all go into boxes for a whole year.  The girls and Jerry spend the entire day watching football, and Danny playing with friends. I force myself to stay away from the big 50% off sale at Sally's...I don't really need anything, so my time is better spent purging my own closets rather than filling them with even more!
Did you make any resolutions?  My usuals are in play again this year, No Yelling( I also give this up for lent!),
more time with my friends, lots of hugging (watch out!) and less complaining(at least out loud!) I'll let you know how I'm doing. Good Luck with yours!

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