Monday, January 17, 2011

I have a Dream!

As I said to the kids this morning(with no disrespect to Dr. King)
"I have a dream, that someday my children will clean their rooms, that someday we will live in a world where my children ask what they can do to help, where they don't have a fit because someone chomps their carrots too loudly, that homework will be done, YES, I have a Dream!!!!"
They thought it was pretty hilarious!  I ran down to IKEA this am, got there right at opening as I planned, and was out by 11:15, as the place started to fill. Got my shelving unit, bench and rug for my mudroom set-up, along with a few other goodies. I put them all together myself, with a bit of help from Danny, and have it all set up. The true test of its effectiveness will come tomorrow when the kids are all coming and going.
Molly and Charlotte both ran outside when they got home from up north, GO GIRLS! Danny worked on the science project due Friday.

Danny and Jerry went down to the auto show together and really had fun. Danny couldn't believe the prices on the luxury cars(207,000 for example!) "one didn't even have a price on it," he told me, and I said, "if you have to can't afford it!"

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