Friday, January 28, 2011

Sunday 1/23 Cleaning up the Garage!

Susan had to take off for her CCD teaching job, so I set out to clean the garage. Armed with a bucket, comet(mom's favourite cleaning product!) and a scrub brush I headed out into the cold. I made myself sit on the floor to feel how cold it was, I didn't make it 2 minutes. and  I had on a coat! My gosh, how did she do it? I threw away her golf bag and cart which were soaked with blood beyond repair, and lots of other things too, to try to make it less crowded and safer. Went to Home Depot for shelves for the garage and laundry room, new door mats(old ones too bloody) and ice melt.  I also tidied up and threw out papers etc in the house, though it looked great in there compared to the garage.
Visiting hours started at 11, and Donnie and Catherine came down and brought subs and spent a couple of hours hanging out and visiting. Mom's roommate is a gal who is divorced, lives alone, and had a fall also. Cathy and her daughter, also named Cathy, are really nice, the one good thing about this hospital stay.
I get back to Mom's around 7pm and do more things...

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