Monday, January 10, 2011

It's Monday again? That went fast!

I attended a meeting to get set up for the school book sale, and volunteered to do the guessing jar, some staffing, and a couple of warehouse runs during sale week. I like the gals who run it, so it should be fun! Remind me of this in March if you catch me whining!  Not a super productive Monday for me, and I can't come up with an excuse! So I won't even try.
Worked tonight at my knitting program. 6 gals came out, and we enjoyed ourselves. Danny had practice, the girls worked out, and everyone enjoyed the ham casserole(and only one more meal to go, split pea soup is on tap for later in the week.
Molly gave Jen Fiske a call to chat about Oregon football and I got to say Hi to her too. She was happy to hear from us, and so sweet to Molly on the phone, what a totally nice person.

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