Sunday, January 16, 2011

Friends, you gotta have friends....

I am blessed with friends, and they sure make life good.  I went to 8am mass and sat with my friend Nancy and her husband Hank. We chatted a bit before mass and that really started my day off great. I was blessed to be a Eucharistic minister, center host with Father Karl.  I shopped for my ingredients for my food donations to the Loaves and Fishes dinner then came home and made sloppy Joe's and Putin potatoes. They have plenty of helpers so I thought I'd take a ride to Ikea to get a small bench for the hall. As I was getting ready to go, my friend Karen called to see if I wanted to see a movie. Friend time vs. Shopping? no question, friends win! We opted for the Hincka theatre, which has free coffee and has the unique "pause to pee" function that most theatres don't offer! We watched George Clooney in Up in the Air, and it was excellent.  Spent some time right here, catching up on my blog(thankfully the blog police seem to be off my trail!) and watching the Golden Globes in the background. I don't like Sandra Bullocks new bangs. Off to bed with my cocoa. Good night :)

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