Monday, January 3, 2011

Go Me!

Hit the ground running on the first Monday in the new year.  I'm pulling out my favourite cheer..."GO ME"!  Try it, it really helps you stay positive.  Returned stuff to many stores, including the gross repackaged Snuggi from Bed,bath and beyond.  Poor Charlotte was so mad that Molly got a snuggi for Christmas, then so happy when she found one, in purple, to buy with her own money, then so mad when she brought it home and we took it out of the box and obviously someone with  a cat had had it at their house, then returned it, and BBand B didn't check it before putting it back on the floor...EEEEWWWWW! Happy ending when I later used my Kohls cash to pick up one for Charlotte( Smurfs!) and one for Danny(monkeys!) and now they can all snuggi away the winter in true baked couch potato style. I'll have to take a group photo and add it later. Got my new calendar at Borders for 50% off, but accidentally hit the book sale too, and $3.99'd my way into the big spending area.  OOps! That's why Jerry has always said he is happy I work at the library and not a bookstore.  I bring a ton home, but it's free, and I return it!
Also had some Greece paperwork to send out, doctor's apmnt with Charlotte, bball practice with Danny, so along with laundry and some bathroom tidying the day just flew by!
My Mom called me with her Doctor's apmnt report, a shock in and of itself. The report was excellent! Not only did Mom negotiate a reduced rate from the doc, since she doesn't take Mom's plan, but the doctor said Mom looked great, called her one of her success stories, said her arm measured the same as it did 5 years ago, and gave her the name of a lymphodema guy from NYC who is now in Long Branch,NJ.  Most importantly, Mom seemed so happy when she called was almost like a therapy apmnt for her, the doctor's enthusiasm really rubbed off.   Unfortunately she had nothing good to offer on Mom's  hand problem, said that short of a nerve/muscle transplant, which has questionable results, there is nothing she can do.  So hopefully we can continue to investigate, in the meantime I'm thanking GOD for her great overall report and her happy mental state!
Charlotte is going to try out for the musical at BHS tomorrow. Heaven knows what will happen, with 2700 students she is bound to have alot of competition, and I don't know how she'll do with the singing on command on her own.  I wish she could have a teeny tiny part just to experience it, but I really doubt this will happen.  Gave her a talk about how great it is just to try, which I hope she is able to go through and do...
My niece Claire is auditioning out in NJ this week, and since this is her swan song at Parsippany High School, I hope she gets a great leading roll.  She is also singing for a spot in the regional chorus, and different scholarships at the colleges she has applied to, so lots of pressure. Claire seems to handle this all with aplomb, she takes after me!!??

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