Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Book Club at last!

Yay! I was getting nervous as they talked about black ice this afternoon, but Charlotte tackled the driveway with her shovel, I salted, and then a plow went by! So we were all set. Unfortunately, no Donna,Karen or Renee, but Shawne,Patty,Rhonda,Cindy and I talked the book (Revenge of the Middle Aged Woman) and we voted it a great one. Rhonda had chosen it so that we wouldn't be too depressed over the holidays, and she was right on. Great funny discussion and great times with my friends. Next months book is Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. I've read it, but it was quite a while ago, and I look forward to reading it again. The girls went to the BHS boys bball game, and then to chorale. Poor Danny basically did homework for the whole afternoon/evening. Ridiculous! I'll have to talk to the teacher about what is going on over there.
Charlotte and I worked in the cafe. together which was fun, and I took her out for a cappuccino that i owed her. Made a killer batch of pasta fagioli and served it to my family and the family that I was cooking for from school. My kids loved it! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for D-man.

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