Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tuesday 1/4/11

Snow flurries in Michigan this morning, and temps to stay below 25 degrees, that's the weather we know and love(?) here!  I am working in the cafeteria today at Danny's school, which I do 2xmonth. I like to watch Charlotte work, she has been doing this for 3 years now, and is so efficient.  I am very proud of her.  Delivered a dinner to my friend Kim and picked up numbers 8 and 9 in my series from the library. Normal family junk took up the rest of the day, I forgive you for feeling bored!
Charlotte did try out for the play, and I am so proud of her for trying.  Claire called to talk it over with her and she was tickled by that!  Good Wife is not on, so early to bed with my book...not so bad!

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