Thursday, January 20, 2011

Science Project Central!

From 7am til 9pm we are crunching through the Science project, due tomorrow.  Danny did do alot of planning, but somehow there was more to do, I know how that feels. That's probably why all the stuff from my kitchen ends up in a laundry basket in my bedroom when company is coming!  Danny's project, which he chose, was to invent an animal, and then describe it's home, habitat, food,defense, etc.  His animal is the size of a squirrel and is called a Black Masker. I'll post a photo soon, it is really cute.
Today Molly,Jerry and I were interviewed by the Brighton paper for a story about the commercial and Special Olympics. If it ends up published I'll post a link.
BED for me, reading a great mystery and it's calling me.....

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