Wednesday, January 5, 2011

OMG- I hate awards shows!

8:45 pm-We got a message that the Molly 30 sec. spot would be airing for the first time tonight during the People's Choice we had to tune in from 9-11 and it aired at 10:55pm. UGH! We had to "visit" with the Kardashians, the cast of twilight, and Queen Latifa for hours! SOO boring and painful.  What was funny was we started running around to do things during the show, then running back to see the commercials! We didn't want to miss it, and then there she was!She looks so beautiful!  I did the voice-over, and was told that I could do it for a job. What did you think?  The commercial is supposed to air again on 1/8/11, during a Wal-mart movie night, when I have details, I'll be sure to share them.  So I guess it is public knowledge now and we can tell people if we want...It was surreal to see Molly running on our TV.
Earlier today I volunteered at Ashley Court. The folks were very agitated and things took much longer than usual. I ended up having to cancel my coffe/walk with Karen  :{  I hope to catch up with her tomorrow. I also volunteered at Danny's school library, picked up Charlotte and Danny from school, and picked up the late shift at Brighton District Library. I got a chance to talk to the director about the direction that BDL is heading in, so that was super interesting. My title will be program specialist, not youth services assistant, and she also talked about working across departments, which I love.

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