Monday, January 10, 2011

Sunday 1/9/11 Molly is "basking"!

Oh what fun to see Molly joyfully talking to all her friends at church about her commercial! She is so proud, and she should be! She did an amazing job, worked like a trooper, up early, to bed late, NO SPORTS for 4 days! Can you imagine?!  Jerry went over around 10:30 to pick up Molly and they stopped down at the coffee/donuts in McCann Hall.  Apparently word was getting around, and our favourite guy, Joe Trudeau, who hadn't even seen the spot, was holding forth on the spot,Molly,our family, etc. waving his big beefy arms and excitedly telling everyone in earshot about how great Molly is!  What strikes us is the love we feel from everyone at our church. How blessed we are! They have known Molly for a long time, and all are so happy to see her have such and exciting thing happen to her.
Molly and Jerry head off to the U of M BBall game, which according to their tickets starts at 1:30. Alas, when they get to Chrysler, the game starts at 4:30! So they watch the women's game, go out for a coke,go back for the men's game, which goes into overtime, and finally roll in about 8:15! What a day!
Danny heads to a BBall game in Farmington where they get trounced by 5th/6th grade team. Hopefully it was a good workout and learning experience.

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