Sunday, January 16, 2011

Friday January 14

My work day! It's just Sherrie and I so we have a quiet, efficient day.  Mother Goose cafe had 65 participants and we danced and hollered our heads off.  Dr. Johnson commented to me that she could here us hollering all the way back to her office.  I had alot of fun! Did splurge and stop at DD for coffee and a muffin!  Shawne and I went to see Black Swan at 7:30.  I had heard it was creepy and weird and it was! The dancing was beautiful and the acting superb, Barbara Hershey was soo good as the overbearing stage Mom(I could relate)but super creeeeepy! I am trying to see all the movies which are nominated for best picture and I'm trying to guess and get a head start.

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