Sunday, January 2, 2011

The end of a great break

zero travel, no visitors, but still, it was a nice break.  We had fun with friends that is for sure, and spent lots of time together.  Those are great things to have done so I can't complain.
Went to 8am Mass so the kids could "practice" getting out of bed again!  Great sermon on satan in the world by Father Mark. Take away-call on our guardian angels daily, which I will.
The kids helped undecorate the tree, which was great, and now all decor is in the basement, and almost all on the shelves.  I hope to finish up tomorrow.  Danny and Scott were on the trampoline again, though today it was 20 degrees, so the jumping session lasted a much shorter time. We changed our dinner plans to accommodate Scott, Kim needs us and we are here for her( as I explained to the girls, they were not happy to not be going out, but hopefully they see the example of helping friends in need).
After showers for all, we ended the night with an all family viewing of Danny's new veggie tales movie  Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella.  It was as hilarious as ever, incorporating the times(while tied up and in danger one character emails a photo to the other one and texts for help!) and great lessons.  The main one was, If you are doing the right thing, GOD smiles on you and protects you from humiliation and harm.  I love that!
So plans for tomorrow include smiling alot, remembering that GOD is smiling at me, and telling satan to get lost whenever he tries to make me feel guilty,lazy,chubby, a bad mommy or other stuff like that.  Oh, and taking a walk with Karen!

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