Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Today is the long awaited day for the siding repair. They are supposed to be here at 10am. Ding dong goes the doorbell at 6:15am. I race downstairs and it's a guy delivering a dumpster. Fine, but why don't you tell us to expect this? Then at 10am  the guy, one guy arrives. One guy, I'm thinking? but okay, it's your job.  He asks me to tell him what needs to be done. Uh, don't you know? I ask. No, it's not written down, says the guy. I put on my boots and show him.  Back inside I wait to start hearing working  noises...wait....wait....ding dong goes the bell(not the noise I wanted) Uh, there's snow on your roof, so we'll come back and finish tomorrow.  What did you get done? I ask. He stares at me blankly. We'll come back tomorrow, he says again. Can you work on the side today? I beg. NO, we'll see you tomorrow.  OK...fine. It's all over by 10:30am.  No follow up call about what time they will come(should I tell them there is still snow up there?!)or if I have to be here.  The week before Christmas you don't want to be stuck at your house.  You want to be shopping!  I'm not too happy...on day one.  Danny had his 10year checkup and checked up just fine.  He needed no shots, which made him happy.  Bball practice, dinner, homework, helping Molly make phone calls for an event this Sunday and a Christmas movie round out the evening. I'm going to bed early, how about you?

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