Monday, December 27, 2010

Sledding and Steak and Shake--wooooht!

Everyone slept in this morning, which was awesome! I slept until 9AM! We relaxed,had breakfast, did some laundry,and straightened up the place.  We headed out to sled about 11:30.  We went over to Maltby middle school which has a few different hills, large and small.  Shawne and her kids and 2 nephews joined us at noon and we all had a great time.  Sophie's scream as she goes down the hill could be sold to a sound affects company!  We all relaxed at home for a few hours, doing puzzles, word searches etc.  At 4pm we headed out to Livonia to go to Steak and Shake, one of the kids favourite restaurants.  Christmas specials included eggnog, white chocolate, and peppermint chocolate chip milkshakes!! YUM!  Then we mushed around Ikea for an hour while we waited til 7pm, the time that the light show opened.  We had heard about this for years but never gone, it is the Wayne County Light Fest. For 5$/car, you drive through a closed county park which has enormous light sculptures, like Santa playing baseball, reindeer having flight lessons, and of course, dinosaurs! What would Christmas lights be without dinosaurs!  It was so much fun!  Home by 9pm, and everyone,including me, is ready for early bed.
Favourite light sculpture!

one of the "light tunnels" we drove through.

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