Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas everyone!  I hope your day was wonderful. Ours was very nice.  Jerry and I were gathered around the tree by 8am, coffee in hand, watching the kids dig in to their gifts.  Favourites were Danny's digital camera and Harry Potter things, Charlotte got a bunch of Yankee's stuff from her cousins and from Santa and the movie Dear John, and Molly got new boots, 2 movie she wanted and a calendar of Greece photos.  Jerry got tools and clothes, both workout gear and business clothes, and a bunch of DVDs, including the TV series Weeds, which my brother loves.  I got a label maker! This was tops on my list! Also got a great set of bookends from Danny. They are frogs,reading books, with prince crowns on, a great addition to the library shelves.  We played games downstairs together and ate lots of snacks leftover from the wed. night party.  I always feel a bit melancholy on Christmas, I miss Dad, and my family in NJ, and all the great family times we had when I was growing up. I wish my kids could have that experience.  That being said, it was a great cozy day.

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