Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday 12/8

Molly gets to sleep in this am, because we are meeting her new Doctor. She turns out to be fantastic, yay!! She actually went to high school in Rogers City, next to Posen. She recognized our last name, which you know never happens! Molly loved her and I may start Charlotte and I with her too. So I am really happy about that. Dropped Mol at school in time for her 11'o'clock meeting and met RoseAnn for a cuppa at Panera. We chatted about work(I can't go into it) and family, and basically enjoyed ourselves greatly. Love ya RoseAnn!  Then home for some cereal and out to Danny's library for my volunteering. Got Charlotte on the way home and a call from Jen Fiske that she wanted me to dial into a call with the team and the client(P&G) and watch a bit of a clip they had fedexd me. I felt like quite the business woman! Anyway, being under pressure to react was kinda weird, but the clip was amazing! We really didn't know what to say to them and Jer and I were both crying. I can't wait til its okay to show people..stay tuned.  Finished the day with bball practice for Danny, costco for me, for stamps for my christmas cards, and a trip to the movies for Jerry and Charlotte, Harry Potter again for Charlotte! A great hump day when all is through!

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