Sunday, December 19, 2010

Saturday 12/18 Aahh, the weekend!

I planned on sleeping in, but I felt guilty when Jerry and Danny headed out to Danny's basketball game at 7am! Off they went, and I got up and started to organize the weekend.  I did hop on the treadmill for an hour(patting myself on the back..can't pat my dupa cause it's too wobbly!)Charlotte joined me shortly after, and while she jumped on the elliptical, I continued my purging project and we rocked out to an exercise station I cued up on Pandora.  I even had to call my sister when Flock of Seagulls came on(Donnie was in DC ) great memories, and Charlotte thinks it's hilarious to hear the stories of my wayward youth. I think she can't picture me as young, though she loves to looks at Shadows'79, my high school yearbook.  Anyway we got a full van load for Salvation Army, including the organ I had bought at a garage sale for $10, 13 years ago and played twice.  but it was a great buy....that's my problem!  I even called my Mom, because I find things that used to be hers and I feel bad about getting rid of them, even though I don't use them, and neither did she! I'm too sentimental. It feels like your giving away your childhood, no matter what those organization gurus say.  But I'm doing it, IT'S JUST HARD!
The girls met friends at Olive Garden for lunch, and when I picked them up we stopped in at JCP- ennys to get some super XL's for the brother in laws. That place was mobbed! Glad most of the shopping is done.  We went to 5pm mass, and Deacon Dave homilied his head off.  He talked about the Angel appearing to Joseph in a dream and telling him he should still marry Mary.  He asked us, "What if Joseph hadn't been listening?"  and he encouraged us to ask GOD each day what he has planned for us, and then STOP AND LISTEN to the answer.  I do ask, but probably don't listen hard enough...Job for this week!

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