Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas week

Last day of work in 2010! whoot! I did have a great organizing project to keep me busy for the 4 hours shift.  Danny and Jerry got safely back and had a lovely time in Posen.  Aunt Reg loved the little village we got her and the manger, and her birthday cake that Danny had baked.  Jerry said her spirits were brightened considerably! So that is a success! Other than that it was a pretty normal day, the school run, dinner, laundry, pure domestic bliss.
Did do my three minute retreat from Loyola, and it was about how GOD accepts us, no strings attached and we need to do the same. Okay, goal for the week!
manger Sooz gave us for our first Christmas!

Water and the mountain section of our village

I love this set-up! Danny and Jack helped!

our cute little tree, with ornaments from everywhere

snowmen hanging out on the stairs!

I wanted to share some photos of our  Christmas decorations, tell me what you think!

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