Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cookie party!

The cookie team!

Roseanne and Charlotte 

Tasty treats!

Charlotte,Heather and Molly

The cookie party was a huge success! Six girls joined Molly and Charlotte to decorate cookies, dance around the kitchen to our rockin Christmas tunes, head downstairs to watch Elf and eat homemade popcorn, then come back upstairs and make candy. Each girl got a cute tray of cookies and treats to take home with them.  My friend Roseanne came over around 3pm and we had a chance to sit and visit and drink coffee while the movie was on, which was really fun for me. Spending time with friends is the best part of life, right gals?
Roseanne brought her candy molds and we all had so much fun dipping and molding. She inspires me creatively that's for sure. And "moving forward" wise, I never made candy in molds before...and now I have!
Danny and Jerry loaded up the sleigh and drove to Posen this morning for a Christmas with Aunt Reg.  She still doesn't feel ready for a full family visit, so we'll go in groups.  Danny is off tomorrow, so they will spend the night.
We capped off the night with a viewing of A Charlie Brown Christmas for Molly, Charlotte and I. It was made in 1965, and still as great today.

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