Friday, December 31, 2010

Whoops, better catch up! Wednesday 12/29/10

Still hanging around and playing/watching videos/eating cookies from the party last week. HELP! Can't wait til 1/1/11 so I can start a resolution that includes less cookies...more on resolutions on 12/31/10. I went to Kohls with my Kohls cash, and also to the grocery store(didn't need cookies!) and then got things put away and organized. I continued working on the basement space, and also got all the floors vacuumed and lots of laundry done( a boring and recurring theme in this thrilling, edge of your seat blog!) Jerry and the kids went out to an evening of bowling and middle eastern food, I chose not to go, for reasons not being discussed in the blog, but it was a yucky night. Lonely and sad.

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