Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 10th Friday at the library

We are super busy at work today, getting everything ready for the big Holiday Open House tomorrow. I get about 50 people for my storytime, and we read snow stories and sing snow songs. We have a dusting, but more is predicted for Sunday. After school today Jerry and the kids are heading up to the lake for the weekend, and Danny is very excited! The lake house is the same age as he is, Jerry had to get my power of attorney and go to the closing alone because Danny was only 3 days old!  The first visit was over that first Christmas and I was worried that the cottage might be too chilly for a newborn. I was wrong, the house heats up quickly and is snug and cozy. I spent a couple of days sitting in the red arm chair nursing Danny and watching the kids and Obi play outside. Great memories.  Shawne came over and we watched one of my favourite holiday movies...Love Actually. Have you seen it? Funny, poignant, just great! Shawne hadn't seen it, don't you love showing someone a movie you love? I do too.

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