Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Monday 12/13 SNOW DAY!

The snow stopped at around midnight, but school was already called off! Temps had been dropping all night, and the roads turned to sheets of ice. The kids were happy to have a long weekend and so was I.  We all slept in(poor Jerry, his computer works in the snow and so does he)and hung out in our PJ's all morning. It was actually windchill of something below zero, so other than an hour outside we huddled. The popular activity proved to be coloring mancalas with coloured pencils. Mancalas are round patterned drawings that pull the eye in, and are quite complex. All 3 kids had alot of fun with them.
Though I didn't think anyone would show, I still needed to go to work and set up for knitting club. No one showed. So then I unset it up! Pretty thrilling. But then met Jer earlier than planned and helped shop for the gift baskets we are making for him to give to his clients. They came out great! It was nice to be home by 8:30. Jake actually called Danny for his birthday(trying not to be negative and think things like "why couldn't you have mailed him a card and gift?") Danny and the girls talked and they were very happy, so I am happy.  Still waiting/praying for some growth there...

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