Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 11th Santa's in the House!

One of my favourite parts in the movie ELF is when Buddy is at Macys and they tell him that Santa will be there tomorrow and he runs through the store yelling "SANTA'S COMING!" That's how it was at work today! After sneaking in an hour and a half at church helping to receive/organize the gifts for the Adopt-a-family program, I get to work at 10am to start Santafying the department. Roseanne, the decorator extraordinaire, has fake snow on every surface and greenery and snowmen, it looks awesome. Santa, and his  nice,slightly ditsy,very tall elf and a twelve year old reindeer arrive at 11am and stay til 3. We also have crafts, bell choir, carolers, and a puppet show. I get to work crowd control at the Santa line and take pictures. My favourite was the 3 week old baby! Photos are up on the web at  or become a fan of the library on facebook and you can see them there.  The snow hasn't started yet, but I cozy up to the fire anyway, and spend my evening wrapping gifts. Since the kids aren't home I can spread everything out. I can remember my Mom spending hours on Christmas eve wrapping gifts in her room, and I don't like to spend that time away if I can help it.

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