Sunday, December 26, 2010

Another lazy home day!

No sleep last night, but I'm not going into it right now....I went to 8am mass this morning, Father Mark was in great form. It is the feast of the Holy Family and all the readings and the homily revolve around family. How perfect! Father Mark talked about the relationship between Mary and JESUS, and the joy and love in their family.  Inspired to work towards that with much effort, perhaps a New Years resolution?
We played Tigers Scrabble, UNO, the Lego Harry Potter game, coloured, did word searches, listened to Charlotte's new CD, Lady Antebellum, and finished opening presents.  Danny and Jerry got in some sledding and I got on the treadmill. We ate leftovers for lunch and dinner, but they were good ones, lasagna and chili, and no one complained.  Charlotte got the entire season of the I Love Lucy show, so she and I broke into this today and watched the lost pilot(made in 1950, found in 1990!) and the first 3 episodes from fall 19951.  What a fun thing to share with Charlotte.  Molly, Danny and Jerry headed downtown to Ford Field to attend the Pizza Bowl game, as Special Olympics guests.  Molly and the other athletes from Greece will be introduced during the TV time out in the 4th quarter. 

 Charlotte and I are staying home, she is still not feeling great after fainting in church on Christmas eve.  I'll call the doctor tomorrow.

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