Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tuesday 12/14 COLD!

Wow, it is COLD! Lucky for me the kids and Jerry gave me a new coat and hat, an early Christmas present just in time! My coat is so warm and cozy and the hat, well it's cute...I won't say I look cute in it, but I need to keep my head warm and that's that. Back in high school i just didn't wear a hat, but now I'm too old to worry about whether I look "good" or not. I guess this is an advantage to aging? Lot's of shopping and driving, and dashing across parking saying to myself and others "Wow! it is COLD today!"  In between trips I was trying to clean, got through all the bathrooms and several loads of laundry. Got a call around 2pm from the high school saying Charlotte had fainted in choir class. Oh my! So raced down to school, poor thing, lying in the "Nurses Office" though why they still call it that I don't know, they have one nurse for the whole district at this point, and it takes a lot more than a mere fainting spell to get her over to the school.  She looks scared and beat up, bloody swollen lip, banged up nose. I speak to the choir director, Mr. Brady, and he says she just keeled over. Thank goodness they weren't on the risers. I called the Dr. and she said to watch her, and really push fluids. Pushing anything with Charlotte is tricky, but I'm trying.
 Jerry took the youngers to the Uof M basketball game, which they loved. Even bought a cone of Almonds from The Nut Wagon, Jerry said they have the best smell, and you can;t walk by them. Molly had a concert/sing along at the active senior community in town, and I dropped her off at 7pm. She is then heading to a party, and Jerry ends up picking her up on the way home from the game, that worked out great for me. My 2 big tv shows were both new, so it is a big night for me. One cool thing was that on NCIS Los Angeles, they had a chase scene on the Santa Monica Pier, right where Molly and I had been in Nov. It was really fun to watch that.
So a good night...a COLD night!

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