Thursday, December 16, 2010

Siding project soon!

Well the guys came back this am, at about 8am. and started banging away. The siding color is almost a perfect match, and it looks so nice not to have the bog jagged rip on the front anymore. Gave the guys a coffee and muffin/pumpkin bread treat around 9:30am, other than that, I left them alone.  I did get some wrapping and sorting done, and I hit Kohls with my 30%(if anyone needs it, let me know!) for a few last minute gifts and even took care of some returns.  I must admit that Kohls has such an excellent return policy,  I'm not  hesitant to buy things.  Jerry got home from Ohio and after an early dinner headed off to SO Basketball.  I did dishes!  Danny and I are closing in on the end of   Big Red by Jim Kjelgard, one of my favourite books. The action,adventure and great vocabulary make for a winning book. Try it if you haven't read it, or anything by him. So a great Thursday all together, and off to work tomorrow!

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